Improve efficiency and throughput with seamless connectivity for intelligent exoskeletons

Introducing the intelligent power suit from German Bionic, underpinned by global BICS IoT connectivity. By combining human intelligence with machine power, the suit, worn on the body like a backpack, supports and enhances the wearer’s movements, reducing the risk of accidents and excessive strain. Embedded sensors and built-in IoT connectivity enable ongoing improvement and integration with smart factory systems.

IoT Innovation from Neeco and Tata Communications Delivers Dynamic Logistics for International Dairy Company.

With exploding demand for IoT solutions in logistics and transportation, the Neeco and Tata Communications partnership delivers reliable and secure systemsanywhere in the world.

Case Study: Knode

A farm can’t function without water. In order for a farmer to keep an eye on supply, water tanks, troughs and pumps must be checked at every opportunity. If not monitored, thousands of dollars can be lost in revenue, electricity and wasted water if a leak develops on the property’s supply infrastructure.

Aeris Fusion IoT Network Delivering Unparalleled Service and Reliability to Trucking Fleets

Long-haul fleet management providers require onboard computing and carrier fleet communications to deliver better business outcomes. On-board solutions require highly reliable, real-time, alwayson cellular network connectivity, which might require multiple carriers, to meet the needs of fleet customers throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Enabling Remote Access Monitoring in the Oil and Gas Industry

Implementing a remote asset monitoring solution can be challenging, but for companies in the oil and gas sector, monitoring systems are an essential part of day-to-day business. An eective solution for monitoring remote assets ensures that all systems can be constantly reviewed, updated for eciency, and continuously tracked for performance. There is no room for downtime and the monitoring solution must be foolproof.

Golf course intelligence software

Traditionally, teams of marshals on a golf course would manage the flow of play and ensure that golfers weren’t holding up players behind them. They would need to manually identify and locate slow groups of players, requiring time and many resources. With Tagmarshal’s system, all the information about where players are on the course and how long they are taking to complete the hole is now sent back to marshals via GPS devices.

Protecting Hotel Staff with Panic buttons

In this use case we show how monitoring the hotel employee’s location is simplified thanks to the use of WiFi and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) as well as AVSystem’s products—Linkyfi Location Engine (advanced system for indoor positioning) and the Coiote IoT Data Orchestration platform (IoT platform for integrating, visualizing and processing data).

Tata Communications MOVE™ and IZO™ Private Cloud Brings IoT Fleet and Asset Tracking Innovation to Southeast Asia.

Providing seamless access to over six-hundred Tier 1 mobile network
operators, the Tata Communications MOVE™ IoT Connect service offered affordable easy reach into southeast Asian target territories, along with assured mobile network availability. When twinned with IZO Private Cloud for big data storage, the Tata Communications solution was irresistible.

How a European Car Manufacturer is Putting The Customer First Across 60 Markets.

The car manufacturer required a partner to enable and deliver global connectivity, as well as help manage the underlying carrier networks and subscriptions that get the vehicle connected.

Adventure race GPS tracking

The Adventure Racing World Series (ARWS) is the ultimate in extreme team sport, encompassing several endurance disciplines including navigation, running, canoeing and cycling. Mixed teams of four must find the fastest way to negotiate between 500 and 700 km of challenging terrain. Adventure racing is probably just as far from a cozy workspace as you can get, but it is in these extreme environments that the Trileuco team flourish.

GPS tracking helps Scouts to explore safely

The Scout Association takes every precaution possible to ensure that the young people in their care are as safe as possible. In order to provide the young people with an extra layer of safety, West Lancs Scouts wanted to provide them with small GPS tracking devices to carry while they undertook certain navigation activities.

LBS Application Enables Safeguarding of Remote Assets and Navigation of Evolving Regulatory Landscapes

The new global economy is more complex, intertwined, and regulated than ever before. In this new data-driven society, businesses are increasingly demanding highly customisable products and services that solve unique business challenges, offer long term value, and satisfy localised needs. As a result, service providers are adopting revenue models that help penetrate these emerging markets and uncover opportunities, leading to the “servitisation” of goods – a concept in which tangible products are offered on subscription basis rather than discreet one-off sales. By focusing on these offerings, service providers are able to position their value-chains inline with broader market requirements. With that said, implementing these types of services requires thoughtful planning, careful allocation of resources, and a holistic technology approach capable of extracting value across the organisation.