Trilliant finds balance with Libra smart meter

  • December 15, 2020
  • Steve Rogerson

Canadian utility technology company Trilliant has announced the Libra series of edge-ready smart electric meters for residential, commercial and industrial applications.

The meters are said to be purpose-built to support the modern utility through its digital transformation journey.

Trilliant’s focus on customer needs and innovation within the Canadian marketplace has paved the way for the creation of this offering. The firm’s open technology lets its customers leverage the benefits of the meters regardless of the networking technology in place, allowing utility providers to upgrade their systems seamlessly, reducing risk and cost.

“Our customers wanted something new – a meter that enables dynamic transactions, edge computing, backwards compatibility and flexibility, all at the very best cost – and we listened,” said Steven Lupo, managing director at Trilliant. “As a technology company with significant international experience, we have launched Libra to go beyond the usual base functions, providing new functionality that utilities need without having to immediately replace existing infrastructure. We’re excited about empowering our customers with new solutions and security developed here in Canada that will truly disrupt the marketplace across North America.”

The Libra meter includes a dual-band network that offers flexibility in the AMI 2.0 upgrade path, including backwards support for existing systems, and in-home connectivity required to support the new energy marketplace. The meter allows for multiple communications technologies to be supported simultaneously, including a combination of RF mesh, LPWAN and cellular.

Libra’s communications allow peer-to-peer data exchange along with connectivity to other public networks providing real-time data to grid, IoT and other sensors on the distribution system. Support for edge applications and a development ecosystem are also supported.

The meter is the first to introduce serviceability of communications in the field, without disrupting power service or Measurement Canada and other meter seals. The meter battery is also accessible for serviceability in the field.

“Trilliant will continue to support true interoperability of various metering manufacturers in the marketplace,” said Lupo. “With Libra, we are elevating that interoperability with the necessary functionality, future proofing and application support needed by our customers. In Canada, Trilliant is proud to continue to support the Canadian manufacturing sector as part of our unique approach to customer success.”

The meter will be offered across all standard Ansi meter types across the USA and Canada in late 2021.