Dhyan and Senet partner on smart street lights

  • April 11, 2022
  • Steve Rogerson

Californian device management firm Dhyan has developed smart streetlights powered by New Hampshire-based Senet’s LoRaWan service.

Senet is a provider of cloud-based software and services platforms for the on-demand build-out of IoT networks and operates what it says is the largest public carrier-grade LoRaWan in the USA. With interoperability testing completed, the turnkey nature of this makes it easier to add smart streetlights to existing LoRaWans such as those deployed for water utility advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) projects or other municipal and enterprise applications.

LoRaWan is a long-range low power, wide area network protocol designed to connect wirelessly low-power devices to the internet in networks of any size, and targets IoT requirements such as bidirectional communication, end-to-end security, mobility and localisation services. Its long range and low power make it suitable for smart street lighting projects, as it provides a greater connectivity range than Zigbee or Wi-Sun without the expense of cellular.

Senet pioneered the use of LoRaWan for commercial IoT deployments in the USA, with success deploying high-capacity networks for municipal water utility districts across the country. Dhyan’s central management technology is in use in IoT deployments worldwide, including a growing number of smart street light networks. This partnership brings the two together in hardware, software, and cloud-based network and device management to create smart street lighting.

“The technical attributes of LoRaWan make it ideal for public lighting systems which can be a valuable anchor application for smart cities or easily added to existing municipal LoRaWan deployments,” said Bruce Chatterley, CEO of Senet. “The testing we have completed with the Dhyan streetlight controller provides municipalities with a proven solution to improve the quality of public lighting while also establishing a foundation for future efficiency and operations management through the use of additional IoT sensors.”

The companies are collaborating on commercial deployments and exploring pilot installations with several municipalities.

The Dhyan family of central management software for the IoT market consists of StreetMan for managing smart streetlights, LightMan for managing smart area lights such as in campuses, parking lots, buildings and warehouses, and CitiMan for managing smart city IoT assets.

“Dhyan is pleased to be working with Senet as their experience with LoRaWan dovetails nicely with Dhyan’s StreetMan smart streetlighting management system,” said Prakash Ramadass, Dhyan vice president. “This is great for cities looking for low-cost, long-range smart streetlighting.”

Dhyan Networks & Technologies has been providing device management software for over 15 years to technology companies that cater to customers in the telecoms, IoT and smart grid markets. The technology has been deployed at medium-size businesses, municipalities, schools and Fortune 100 companies where it is managing millions of endpoints. The products can manage simple devices such as a streetlight controller to highly complex devices such as a fabric switch or a core router.

Senet develops cloud-based software and services used by network operators, application developers and system integrators for the on-demand deployment of IoT networks. In addition to industrial and commercial applications, Senet has designed smart meter networks for many municipal water utility districts across the USA, representing millions of households.