ST releases high performance STM32H5 SDK

  • September 20, 2023
  • William Payne

STMicroelectronics has released a development board for creating high performance processing and security applications on STM32H5 microcontrollers (MCUs). STM32H5 devices are designed for applications such as smart sensors, smart appliances, industrial controllers, networking equipment, personal electronics, and medical devices.

The STM32H573I-DK Discovery kit supports developers in exploring the integrated features of the STM32H5, such as analogue peripherals, timers, the ST ART (Adaptive Real-Time) Accelerator, media interfaces, and mathematical accelerators. It aims to make easier to evaluate new designs for industrial programmable logic controllers (PLC), motor drives, and smart controllers for appliances like air conditioners, refrigerators, and washing machines. Other potential applications include alarm controllers, communication hubs and smart lighting controls.

The STM32H573I-DK Discovery kit includes an STM32H5 microcontroller, colour touch display, digital microphone, and interfaces such as USB, Ethernet and Wi-Fi. The board also features an audio codec, flash memory, and headers for connecting expansion shields and daughterboards.

To simplify the development process, the STM32CubeH5 MCU software package consolidates all the necessary components required to develop an application on the STM32H5, including examples and application code. The package is fully integrated into the STM32Cube ecosystem, which contains additional software to assist with application development. ST also offers the STM32CubeMX tool for configuring and initialising the MCU.

Introduced in March 2023, the STM32H5 features the Arm Cortex-M33 embedded microcontroller core running at 250MHz and is the first microcontroller to support ST’s Secure Manager system-on-chip security solutions. The MCUs combine Arm TrustZone security with ST’s STM32Trust framework to provide trusted storage, cryptography, attestation, and updates. They embed side-channel protected hardware cryptographic accelerators and target recognised security certifications, PSA Certified Level 3 and GlobalPlatform SESIP3.

ST has created the STM32H573I-DK Discovery kit with examples showing how to use the security services and integrated all the necessary software tools and support in the STM32Cube development ecosystem.