News Articles

AI at the Edge: IMC Online Conference Report

A recent IMC online conference on Industrial IoT tackled the two hot topics of edge computing and AI/ML. Speakers drawn from Losant, Eurotech, Digi, Software AG and Aeris examined [...]

Atos fosters EU use of farm robots

French services company Atos is coordinating an EU project to promote use of robotics in European agriculture. FlexiGroBots is a Horizon 2020 funded programme, and aims to encourage robot-makers, [...]

Verizon launches Hyper Precise positioning service

Verizon has launched a satellite-based precise positioning service with accuracy in centimetres. Hyper Precise Location (HPL) can be paired with 4G and 5G to provide high accuracy for autonomous [...]

Cogniac Visual Operations Intelligence for SAP

Manufacturing and industrial AI specialist Cogniac has integrated its AI and machine vision platform Visual Operations Intelligence with SAP’s Digital Manufacturing Cloud. The integration provides SAP customers with AI-based [...]

Webee launches no-code IIoT platform

IIoT and AI specialist Webee has launched a no-code turnkey IIoT platform for manufacturing. Webee SmartFactory is designed to connect operations in minutes without the need for technical expertise [...]

AI virtual assistant for sustainable farming

A Californian firm that applies neural biocomputing to sustainable farming has developed software that uses machine learning to help farmers and agronomists pinpoint what their crops and soils need [...]

Carl Data and Think-QA deliver IIoT to renewable energy

Canadian firm Carl Data is working with Think-QA to develop predictive maintenance IIoT technology for the renewable energy sector. Carl Data is a developer of big-data-as-a-service (BDaaS) for data [...]

Airbus launches AI to support design and manufacture

Airbus Commercial and Maana have launched Airbus Cognitive Platform, designed to answer domain-specific questions in working environments. The new platform, called “AIRKOG” for short, encodes the subject matter expertise [...]

Taoglas launches real-time generator analytics

IoT specialist Taoglas has launched Taoglas Genset Insights, a solution to allow businesses to optimise their fleet of generators with real-time data and analytics.  According to Taoglas, the solution [...]

FlowOps AI to cut Manufacturing Waste

AI startup has introduced a category of AI software for manufacturers which it calls Flow Operations, or FlowOps. This is to allow companies to improve operations flow and [...]

Predictive Vibration Monitoring Anticipates Industrial Defects

LPWAN connectivity specialist Actility,  radio transmitter manufacturer NKE Watteco, and data collection platform WMW have partnered to launch a Vibration Monitoring for Predictive Maintenance IoT Solution. The new solution is [...]

Nanotronics brings autonomous chemical plants closer

Solugen, a specialty chemicals manufacturer and industrial microscope developer Nanotronics are partnering to build AI into chemical production processes to reduce chemical contamination. The technology brings the prospect of [...]