Eurotech software framework qualified to AWS IoT Core

  • July 1, 2020
  • Steve Rogerson

Eurotech has announced software qualification of its Everyware Software Framework (ESF) with AWS IoT Core.
Italy-based Eurotech designs, develops and deploys hardware, software and services for the IoT. It is extending its commitment as a select technology partner in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) partner network.
The ESF allows field devices to be connected to AWS IoT Core by visually composing edge applications. This provides a foundation for the rapid development and deployment of Eurotech IoT services on AWS.
The ESF is an IoT edge framework that scales from embedded Linux devices to edge servers, where it runs as a virtual gateway in a container. With the ESF cloud connector for AWS IoT Core, built with the AWS IoT Java Device SDK v2.0, ESF provides natively integrated connectivity with AWS IoT Core and Device Shadow support, and follows best practices for AWS IoT Core functionality.
To ease the development on edge devices, ESF is designed to provide flexible device twin modelling over field bus protocols across multiple vertical industries. Edge developers can deploy full-fledged applications running natively in the container or use ESF Wires to compose data pipelines visually for their edge devices.
ESF Wires functionality has been extended to include aspects to integrate with AWS IoT Core services. With little configuration and setup, ESF edge users can interface with a wide range of field devices and protocols and publish data from the world of operational technology to AWS IoT services.
“We are extremely proud of being an APN partner and having achieved AWS IoT Core edge software qualification for ESF,” said Marco Carrer, CTO of Eurotech. “This qualification asserts ESF as a leading IoT edge framework in the industry. ESF’s rich library of field protocols, its digital twin modelling and its visual composer Wires form a great toolkit to bootstrap IoT edge development and to let it grow on a solid foundation. ESF’s integration with AWS IoT Core offers a unique certified package for IoT applications.”
Eurotech delivers computing, communication technologies and IoT building blocks to provide advantages for its customers. The combination of Eurotech rugged multi-service IoT edge gateways with ESF and AWS IoT services is designed to offer a robust and secure foundation for developing and deploying edge-to-cloud IoT applications.
The tested and validated integration of Eurotech’s IoT edge framework ensures that users can leverage the benefits of Eurotech’s edge technology, including a wide range of application-optimised IoT gateways, such as the Reliagate series, and rugged edge systems, such as the Boltgate family of products, are available for applications in verticals such as industrial, manufacturing, energy, utilities and transportation.
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