IMC Blog

Embedded World: Numbers down but quality up

IMC executive editor Steve Rogerson looks at how the coronavirus outbreak affected last week’s Embedded World in Nuremberg. With all the hype about the coronavirus, it was not surprising [...]

Achieve Pallet-Level Visibility Throughout Your Supply Chain

The disciplines of supply chain management and logistics focus an organization on driving value and creating competitive advantages by optimizing the flow and storage of goods. From inbound logistics [...]

Building Tomorrow’s City Today with LoRa® Devices and the LoRaWAN® Protocol

The world’s population is increasingly moving to cities, which has kicked off a quest to use smart city technologies to build sustainable infrastructure and provide greater efficiency. Smart city [...]

Has the IoT grown up?

Steve Rogerson talks with Ana Maria Giménez (pictured) from Sigfox about the maturing IoT market. Three years ago, I wrote an article looking forward at the how the different [...]

LoRa Devices: Bringing Flexible IoT Solutions for Smarter Homes and Buildings

The market for smart homes and buildings is forecast to reach yearly revenues of up to $36 billion in the U.S. alone by 2022. The Internet of Things (IoT)-based solutions [...]

Why was the IoT vision so drastically wrong?

I have never been a big fan of predictions. Most strike me as resulting from a few back-of-envelope calculations combined with a knowledge of what the industry is expecting [...]

Barriers to 5G Rollout

While 5G has the potential to open up many exciting new possibilities in the world of IoT there are currently a number of barriers to its rollout. What is [...]

We need vision to walk the road to future smart cities

Maybe it is time to cut through the hype about smart cities and look at what the technologies being developed can actually do and achieve. But, for that to [...]

When is a shop not a shop?

Last week, I had an unusual retail experience; I went into a shop that doesn’t sell anything. This was a proper bricks-and-mortar shop run by Samsung in a revitalised [...]

Smartening London’s financial district, bit by bit

I must admit, I found watching a guy standing in the middle of the street in the City of London using a mobile phone to dim and brighten the [...]

Wind River and Xilinx find romance in The Hague

My travels this month took me to The Hague in the Netherlands for programmable device maker Xilinx’s developers’ forum. A highlight was the news that it had teamed up [...]

I caught up with Wade Wessels to learn how IoT and connected services are helping Donaldson do more for their customers

We know IoT is a critical component for the future of business and a powerful catalyst for digital transformation. That’s why we’re excited to work with companies like Donaldson, a [...]