IMC Blog

Does fortune favour the AI?

Steve Rogerson doesn’t think ChatGPT will take over his job, yet. Should we be worried about the advent of quite sophisticated artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT that are [...]

Is Your Smart IoT Solution Smart Enough?

Given the tectonic shifts such as supply chain disruptions, evolving consumer expectations, and altered working realities in the last few years, it’s now all the more important that companies [...]

How IoT can help the world be more sustainable

Frank Max Laursen from Micro Technic is on a mission to use IoT to make the world more sustainable. Steve Rogerson asked him how. Sustainability has become the buzz [...]

Are we back to solving real problems face to face?

Steve Rogerson walked the aisles at last week’s Embedded World in Nuremberg. When Germany’s Embedded World trade show started up again in June last year after Covid, there was [...]

Are these the droids you are looking for?

Steve Rogerson discovers how one company is integrating IoT and robotics. Everybody loves a robot. Whether it is the cute R2-D2 trash can from Star Wars or one determined [...]

Keeping IoThings simple

Steve Rogerson reminisces about his old hi-fi and compares it with modern smart-home technology. Back in the mid 1970s, I packed my bag and headed for university. In my [...]

4 Steps CISOs Can Take to Protect Their IoT Environments

As IoT systems bridge the gap between IT and OT, organizations must take steps to protect IoT solutions from hackers and bad actors. In a new blog, Aeris’ CTO, Syed [...]

Takeaways from the Micromobility World 2023

Analyzing the landscape of the sharing services after attending the largest online micromobility conference. Last week, I joined the largest online micromobility conference — Micromobility World 2023, hosted by Micromobility [...]

IoT at CES 2023

Exploring the trends of the connected future at the most influential tech event in the world. Smart toilets, personal flying aircraft (looks like an oversized drone), yard care robots (i.e., autonomous lawn mower [...]

What to wear in Japan

Steve Rogerson took a walk round last week’s Wearable Expo show in Tokyo. I was in Tokyo last week, actually there for the Automotive World gathering but I popped [...]

What Semtech plans to do with Sierra Wireless

Now the takeover is completed, Steve Rogerson talks with Semtech’s Julie McGee about the company’s plans for the newly acquired Sierra Wireless. Back in August, I wrote about why [...]

Why the IoT is giving off sparks

Steve Rogerson looks at how IoT technology is changing the way energy is distributed and consumed. If there is one industry where the IoT is part of a complete [...]