Futurism Smart Factory Transformation Services

  • July 1, 2020
  • William Payne

Digital transformation specialist Futurism Technologies has launched a series of services to help manufacturers implement Smart Factory systems. The services are targeted at manufacturers who are looking to accelerate digital transformation in smaller affordable pieces. They provide a series of iterative digitisation projects that can generate ROI in a matter of months.

The new Futurism Smart Factory services includes smart predictive maintenance, smart inventory, and smart asset efficiency. 

The Smart Predictive Maintenance solution is designed to replace manual machine monitoring with IoT sensors that feed data to a big data system. Futurism data scientists create machine learning algorithms that enable the prediction of required maintenance, thus eliminating downtime and line stoppage.       The Smart Inventory package employs machine learning techniques to analyse data from IoT sensors that track real-time movements of work-in-progress and finished goods. Rate of consumption is predicted to optimise inventory on hand and automatically restock in real time.

The Smart Asset Efficiency package can reveal asset performance issues requiring some kind of corrective optimisation – teaching the machines to self-optimise. The Smart Quality Control package uses imaging and sensor technology and real-time equipment monitoring to detect quality issues. 

The Smart and Safe Shop Floor Worker includes wearables for enhanced communications, Augmented and Virtual Reality features for training, and multiple safety features.

Smart Factory is the latest in a portfolio of digital transformation services. Futurism embeds cyber security controls in all of its digital transformation projects.