Newegg deploys Geek+ robots in California warehouse

  • September 5, 2023
  • Steve Rogerson

Newegg Commerce, an ecommerce specialist for technology products, has deployed Geek+’s shelf-to-person mobile picking system that uses autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) in its Ontario, California, warehouse.

The AMR system features dozens of robots that operate within a designated area before lifting and carrying mobile shelves to workstations where employees pick and scan products to prepare them for shipping to customers. The Geek+ system includes 24,360 storage locations for products within hundreds of shelves.

The P800 robots glide simultaneously on the floor throughout a designated area of the warehouse and move under racks. The robots’ routes and duties are assigned by the Geek+ software based on inbound customer orders. Once parked underneath a rack, the robot lifts the rack and drives it to a warehouse employee several yards away so the employee can pick products. The robot can also rotate the rack to offer products from two opposite sides. All P800 robots can move at the same time without collisions to fulfil their duties, bringing racks to employees and returning the shelving units to storage areas until needed again.

Products are stored in racks based on order frequency and compatibility. For example, a graphics card may sit on a shelf positioned near a human picker so it’s optimised to be efficiently picked and packed. If a CPU is frequently ordered with a graphics card, the CPU may sit on an adjacent shelf to the graphics card.

The robotics technology eliminates the need for warehouse workers to walk long distances, a time-consuming and physically demanding process, to pick products from shelves. The system has increased efficiency and accuracy, enabling products to be picked, packed and shipped faster than traditional manual picking methods. Newegg has already seen improved employee safety and cost savings, among other benefits.

“We’re optimistic about seeing improvements in picking efficiency and storage space optimisation with the new Geek+ robotics system in our Ontario warehouse,” said Tim Zhou, IT manager for Newegg. “Newegg pursues advanced technology throughout our business to offer the best services for customers, so this new system is part of fulfilling that commitment.”

Rick DeFiesta, executive vice president at Chinese firm Geek+, added: “Our shelf-to-person picking system improves the entire process for Newegg. The benefits include improved efficiency and productivity, accurate fulfilment, reduced labour costs, safety and ergonomics, and space optimisation. With a robust data collection and analytics process, all these benefits equip Newegg with a competitive advantage and a better customer experience.”

The robots have assumed repetitive and physically demanding tasks that allow workers to be reassigned to more complex and value-added activities that require greater problem-solving, decision-making and cognitive skills. The robots also reduce physical strain and risk of injuries common among manual picking processes. Also, employees have acquired new skills to supervise and maintain the robots while evaluating how they operate within the entire logistics system.

Newegg and Geek+ worked together to determine the AMR footprint in the warehouse and train Newegg employees to operate the system for picking. The system was fully implemented in about six weeks.

Founded in 2015, Geek+ ( has more than 1500 employees, with offices in the USA, Germany, UK, Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Newegg Commerce (, founded in 2001 and based near Los Angeles, is a global online retailer for PC hardware, consumer electronics, gaming peripherals, home appliances, automotive and lifestyle technology. Newegg also serves businesses’ ecommerce needs with marketing, supply chain and technical options in a single platform.