Rumford expands 5G coverage with Street Radio

  • November 27, 2023
  • William Payne

Rumford municipality in the US State of Maine is adopting intelligent streetlight platforms that will extend 5G cellular network coverage in the town. The deal with Ubicquia will provide the town with streetlight small cell network coverage incorporating Ericsson Street Radio systems, which will be deployed by UScellular.

The Ericsson Street Radio was designed to turn a streetlight into a low or mid-band 5G site in 15 minutes without affecting the lighting functionality of the streetlight. It boosts 4G and 5G experience with zero footprint.

With the master attachment agreement, Rumford removes the lengthy site permitting process, so that UScellular can add network capacity faster and at a lower cost.

Rumford is a longstanding Ubicquia UbiCell Network Lighting Controller customer.

George O’Keefe, economic development director for the Town of Rumford, said, “This agreement is good for Rumford. Smart cities are built on connectivity, and by granting streetlight attachment rights, we enable UScellular to strengthen network coverage for our citizens without cluttering the cityscape. We also generate revenue from existing infrastructure. It is a win-win.”

Mike Irizarry, executive vice president and chief technology officer of UScellular, said, “Getting site permits can sometimes take 12-18 months, and agreements like this expedite that process and allow us to provide essential connectivity without delay. We are always looking for innovative ways to enhance our network for customers, and adding radios to streetlights is simple, affordable, and unobtrusive. We look forward to working with Ubicquia and the Town of Rumford, and we hope more cities follow their lead.”

Dave Wong, vice president of site acquisition at Ubicquia, said, “Streetlights are often under-used assets. We are changing that by helping towns and cities like Rumford transform these assets. Today, Rumford’s intelligent streetlights enhance road safety, asset management, and energy efficiency. With this agreement, they will also improve connectivity while generating revenue. This is an ideal model and carrier partnership for cities across the country.”

Ubicquia’s streetlight platforms are deployed in more than 800 municipalities across the US, and Ubicquia is working on similar master streetlight attachment agreements in other cities to accelerate broadband and public safety initiatives.