Mitsubishi daylight bright programmable LED system
- September 5, 2022
- William Payne
Mitsubishi Electric Power Products has launched a programmable LED lighting system that provides configurable daytime brightness. The new LED lighting system includes the ability to integrate large scale architectural lighting systems with full motion video. The Diamond Dot system is being showcased in Orlando, Florida, with a multistory car park creating an exterior facade over multiple upper floors and around two sides of the building.
The new system includes: true daytime brightness at 1700 lumens/900 candelas/19,000 nits per each 10-inch-diameter Diamond Dot lighting unit; beyond RGB with video capable 14-bit processing that provides more than 4 trillion possible colour choices; adjustable colour temperature from 3,000-9,000 kelvin.
The Diamond Dot’s control system allows it to directly accept full motion video, complimenting or running in parallel and/or synchronised with a Mitsubishi Electric Diamond Vision video display system.
The new lighting system is on display in Orlando, Florida’s International Drive. A multistory parking garage utilised more than 1,000 Diamond Dot LED modules to cover several upper floors and wrap around two sides of the structure’s exterior facade, creating a new around-the-clock signature attraction.
“The Diamond Dot lighting performance characteristics and programming capabilities takes your architectural lighting project to the next level and puts the full brilliance of your creativity on display,” said Mike Mascari, North American Sales Manager for MEPPI.