Wyld launches satellite IoT service

  • December 14, 2022
  • Steve Rogerson

Swedish firm Wyld Networks has launched a satellite service enabling IoT applications to be deployed across remote locations without the need for terrestrial connectivity.

Only 15% of the world’s surface has access to the internet. According to McKinsey, it is this lack of global connectivity that is holding back the growth of the IoT from adding $2tn to $3tn to the global GDP over the next ten years.

Wyld Connect solves this problem by allowing business and governments to connect their IoT devices anywhere in the world using low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. 

For example, utility and energy companies can monitor systems and equipment without costly site visits, data can be collected for agriculture and environmental management, and goods and assets can be tracked on sea or land across global supply chains.

“We are delighted to announce the launch of Wyld’s satellite IoT network,” said Alastair Williamson, CEO of Wyld Networks. “This has been the culmination of over three years of continuous development activity. We look forward to delivering connectivity to meet the fast-growing demand in the 85% of the Earth’s surface with little or no current service.”

With applications and positive upsides for agriculture, the environment, supply chain, and the energy and utilities sectors, satellite connected IoT is on a significant upwards trajectory. LEO satellite constellations have been launched by Wyld Networks’ satellite partners with further satellite launches throughout 2023, enabling Wyld to satisfy more use cases with its customers.

The concept of data from anywhere is becoming a reality, from condition monitoring on remote pipelines to forestry management, soil monitoring for agriculture and container tracking across oceans.

“The launch of the Wyld satellite IoT network service will enable us to connect data at low power to LEO satellites and deliver those data to the customers that need them,” said Williamson.

Improving sustainability and operational efficiency is essential for companies in the business sectors Wyld is targeting. The company believes the launch of its satellite IoT network service will enable users to meet these crucial goals more easily.

Furthermore, developments in big data analytics are driving the need for more data from sensors on the ground. Big data platforms are hungry for the type of information satellite IoT can deliver.

With the launch of the satellite IoT network, Wyld can address in part the satellite IoT market demand, which, according to a forecast by Rethink IoT (RIoT), will be worth $5.9bn by 2025.

Wyld Networks develops and sells wireless technology that enables affordable connectivity anywhere in the world, addressing problems for businesses and people regarding the lack of global mobile network coverage. The services target wireless connectivity for the IoT.