SHINING 3D joins Barcelona Industry ecosystem

  • February 12, 2024
  • William Payne

Barcelona’s DFactory industry 4.0 ecosystem has added 3D scanning and printing developer SHINING 3D to its line-up of facilities. 

SHINING 3D is a company specialized in the research and development of high-precision 3D scanning and 3D printing technologies, focused on areas such as metrology solutions, professional 3D scanning and digital dental tools. Headquartered in China and founded in 2004, the company has a workforce of more than 1.000 employees distributed worldwide, and offices in Germany, Spain and the United States as well as China.

DFactory Barcelona has the goal of incubating the factory of the future, promoting and developing Industry 4.0, new talent and new technologies and investments. It is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, which supports digitalization of industry to enable ecological transition and the circular economy by adopting new sustainable production and advanced manufacturing systems.

Currently, the ecosystem has facilities of 17,000 square metres on four floors, where nearly 30 companies have already set up shop and around 500 people work, figures that support its 80% occupancy. It is expected that the second phase of the building will be planned this year that will allow it to reach another 72,000 square metres. In future, a total of 1,500 people is expected to work within it directly and 5,000 indirectly.